[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: mesa-8.0.5-1, glu-9.0.0-1, glw-8.0.0-1

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) yselkowitz@users.sourceforge.net
Mon Nov 19 07:04:00 GMT 2012

The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:

* dri-drivers-8.0.5-1
* libEGL1-8.0.5-1
* libEGL-devel-8.0.5-1
* libGL1-8.0.5-1
* libGL-devel-8.0.5-1
* libglapi0-8.0.5-1
* libglapi-devel-8.0.5-1
* libOpenVG1-8.0.5-1
* libOpenVG-devel-8.0.5-1
* libOSMesa8-8.0.5-1
* libOSMesa-devel-8.0.5-1
* libGLU1-9.0.0-1
* libGLU-devel-9.0.0-1
* libGLw1-8.0.0-1
* libGLw-devel-8.0.0-1

Mesa is an open-source implementation of the OpenGL specification, a 
system for rendering interactive 3D graphics.

This is an update to the latest upstream patch release for the 8.0
branch.  The libGLU and libGLw major version bumps represent their new
status as separate source tarballs, but no significant code changes have
occurred.  libGLw was built with Motif 2.3.




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