Right control key creating window causes control state to be stuck

Chad Gatesman cgatesman@gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 13:57:00 GMT 2012

I have been struggling with a problem in Cygwin/X for quite a while,
now, and I'm surprised more people haven't been having issues with it.
 I will try to explain it with an example:

If you are in Nedit, and hit Ctrl+F to do a Find, naturally, you would
type RCtrl+F (not LCtrl).  When you do this, the Find dialog comes up,
but the Control state is stuck on, and anything you try to type in the
Find dialog just types control characters.  This problem does not
occur if you type LCtrl+F to bring up the Find dialog, but that is not
the natural typing Control key to press in conjunction with "F".

Doing some research, it looks like this problem has been discussed,
before, and a patch was even put together.  But for whatever reason,
it was dismissed.

I am posting this issue again in hopes this defect is taken a second
look to be considered more important than it has in the past.

Thank you,

Chad Gatesman

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