[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: XtoW, a native compositing window manager (experimental)

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Mon Aug 5 10:05:00 GMT 2013

The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:

*** XtoW-20130802-2

xtow is a window manager using the libxcwm library, which is:
* native: it integrates with native window management by putting each
top-level X window in it's own Windows window (similar to XWin -multiwindow)
* compositing: X windows with per-pixel alpha are composited into the native
DWM desktop on Windows Vista and later (e.g. a native window can be seen
through a semi-transparent X window placed over it)

XtoW is still experimental, but should now be usable enough for doing some
actual work. Testing and problem reports are appreciated.

Changes since 20130802-1:

* Fix packaging to include the startxtow script omitted in error

8257d61cd3009f8650557d7bb51fc3c2 *XtoW-20130802-2-src.tar.bz2
ed03f3f86b3b9c8169d4d87c5afd5ef7 *XtoW-20130802-2.tar.bz2
68507bbf78b450afeb5eeb317a3de52c *XtoW-debuginfo-20130802-2.tar.bz2

0c0f2fefcf7397a014f4c0dfd3c27feb *XtoW-20130802-2.tar.bz2
57feeed6aa8cfd6aa6ba643ef15d83a7 *XtoW-debuginfo-20130802-2.tar.bz2
4bdc965921b2a75e7dd2a4f0ca9c86b5 *XtoW-20130802-2-src.tar.bz2

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