Can't resize windows in Cygwin/X 1.12.1

Larry Hall (Cygwin-X)
Fri Jul 12 22:01:00 GMT 2013

On 7/12/2013 5:40 PM, STEVEN SITTSER wrote:
> Until recently I was using Cygwin/X under Cygwin 1.5.18 on Windows XP.
> The windows displayed by our in-house X applications had resize borders -
> I could resize the windows by grabbing an edge.
> Now, I am using Cygwin/X 1.12.1 under Cygwin 1.7.14 on Windows XP.  Now,
> the windows displayed by the same applications have a fixed size - I
> can't resize them by grabbing the edges.  (This is true both when I run
> the exact same executables under both Cygwin versions, and when I build
> the applications separately under each Cygwin version.)

I'd recommend updating to the current versions for the packages you're
using as a first step.  You're at least a year out-of-date with the
latest versions you have.  Cygwin is now at version 1.7.20-1 and
the xorg-server package is currently at version 1.14.2-1



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