64-bit Clipboard troubles

David Stacey drstacey@tiscali.co.uk
Mon Jun 10 21:39:00 GMT 2013

On 10/06/13 14:30, Jon TURNEY wrote:
> On 09/06/2013 19:59, David Stacey wrote:
>> >I am trying to package keepassx for 64-bit Cygwin, and have noticed a
>> >difference between the way the clipboard functions under 32-bit and 64-bit
>> >Cygwin/X. Essentially, keepassx is an encrypted password database that
>> >copies your username and password to the clipboard. Then, you can paste
>> >these into a web site (say) to log in.
>> >
>> >When I run keepassx (both 32-bit and 64-bit builds) using the 32-bit
>> >version of XWin, keepassx copies the username and password to the
>> >clipboard, and these can be pasted into a native Windows web browser (e.g.
>> >Firefox). However, when I run keepassx (again, both 32-bit and 64-bit
>> >builds) using the 64-bit version of XWin, the procedure breaks: I instruct
>> >keepassx to copy to the clipboard, but when I paste in the web browser, no
>> >text is pasted.
> Sorry, integration between the native and X clipboards is broken in 64-bit XWin.
> Unfortunately, this is rather complex to fix and I haven't found the time to
> do so yet.

Thank you for your reply. I've sent an RFU for keepassx along with a 
link to your reply. If and when you tie the two clipboards together, 
keepassx should just start working - there shouldn't be a need to 
rebuild it, but I'll do that if necessary.

Thanks again,


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