Question on x3270 under 64bit cygwin/X

Matt D.
Wed Oct 9 02:53:00 GMT 2013


I see two options available to you for an immediate solution. Either 
recompile the package yourself from source targeted at x64 or simply 
continue using the cygwin-32 and its packages.

Do you have some pressing requirement to use the cygwin-64?

Also, I believe this question would be more appropriate for the main 
cygwin mailing list, as your question isn't directly related to cygwin/x.

Matt D.

On 10/8/2013 4:36 PM, Tony Thigpen wrote:
> I currently use x3270 as packaged with the 32 bit cygwin on several
> Win-XP computers. We are now migrating those computers to Win-7 boxes.
> The 64 bit cygwin does not contain the x3270 package. (Also, the 32 bit
> package is way out of date.)
> I emailed the original person who packaged this software for cygwin, but
> received no response.
> Is there someone willing to repackage the x3270 software for 64 bit cygwin?
> Is there someone willing to guide me (off-list) to get the latest
> version of x3270 running under cygwin 64?

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