[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: qt3, qt4, pyqt4, qscintilla2

Yaakov (Cygwin/X) yselkowitz@users.sourceforge.net
Wed Sep 11 21:36:00 GMT 2013

The following packages (and their subpackages) have been updated for 
both arches:

* font-cantarell-otf-0.0.14-1
* phonon-backend-gstreamer-4.6.3-1
* python-pyqt4-4.10.2-1
* python-sip-4.14.7-1
* python3-pyqt4-4.10.2-1
* python3-sip-4.14.7-1
* qscintilla2-2.7.2-1
* qt3-3.3.8b-13
* qt4-4.8.5-1

These releases include updates to the Qt stack, along with the following 

* Qt link libraries are now installed directly into /usr/lib (instead of 
/usr/lib/qt[N]/lib), as there is no longer a parallelability concern 
with the libraries.

* QtWebKit is fully functional on x86_64.

* The qt4-qtdemo subpackage has been removed, now that 4.x is no longer 
the latest major version of Qt.




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