running openGL application remotely using ssh -X and cygwin/x ,extension "NV-GLX" missing on display "localhost:10.0

Sat Apr 26 11:52:00 GMT 2014

On 24/04/2014 23:45, Biris, Octavian wrote:
> I am attempting to  run an opengl application remptely to a ubuntu
> linux machine from my windows 8 machine.
> To do so  I start the cygwin console, call startxwin.
> Running glxinfo | grep OpenGL returns the vendor of my graphics card, NVIDIA.
> glxinfo |grep OpenGL
> OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
> OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GTX 580/PCIe/SSE2
> OpenGL version string: 1.4 (4.4.0)
> OpenGL extensions:
> Then I ssh on the ubuntu machine using -X -C as the parameters.
> When attempting to start the application the console reads
> extension "NV-GLX" missing on display "localhost:10.0".
> Afterwards, the cygwin/X server crashes and I have to restart it.I
> attached the log from
> /var/log/Xwin/XWin.0.log

Thanks for the bug report.

I'm afraid that the log doesn't contain enough information for me to 
identify the cause of the crash.

Can you install the xorg-server-debuginfo package and try again?

I also have been working on a tool to automate sending better crash 
information using minidumps.  If you would like to try that, download it 
from [1] (anonymous ftp) and put it into /usr/bin and reproduce your 
crash again.


> Does cygwin/x support running OpenGL applications remotely? Am I
> missing something? Do I have to install the mesa-utils libraries on
> the remote machine?

Yes, this should work.

I'm not entirely clear if the 'extension “NV-GLX” missing' message is a 
warning or an error, but according to the internet it seems to be due to 
having a Nvidia libGL installed on the remote machine, so if all else 
fails you might look at uninstalling the Nvidia proprietary driver and 
libGL, and using mesa instead.

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