startxwin.exe no longer exists?

Erik Soderquist
Wed Dec 17 17:40:00 GMT 2014

> There is no reason that should happen unless the startxwin script also
> crashes - and that basically should never happen.  The script should clean
> up any mess that the binary might leave, and it should handle all conditions
> that might result from some process it has started crashing.  That is, in
> the script (pseudocode):
> # If there is an existing lock file:
> #   Test is there also an existing X11 binary process?
> #     yes - abort with message: X11 server already running
> #     no  - remove lock file
> ##########
> # do whatever housekeeping is needed
> #   then start binary
> /path/X11_server_binary $args
> #no matter how binary exits...
> rm /path/.X*lock
> The only time a script might not have a chance to run the last command is if
> it starts the server via "nohup binary &", assuming such a thing is even
> possible in cygwin, and then exits without waiting around for the binary to
> exit.  Or, of course, if the whole system crashes, but that isn't the issue
> the end users are having.

So you want your script to completely mask and/or destroy any evidence
that something crashed??  That is very counter-productive toward
anything resembling fixing a problem or even discovering a problem

Also, as the X server is not bound to a tty, it forks to the
background on its own anyway, so your pseudocode example would delete
the lock file just after the X server started.

> Regards,
> David Mathog

-- Erik

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