[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: glib2.0-2.38.2-4

Yaakov Selkowitz yselkowitz@cygwin.com
Fri Sep 19 07:10:00 GMT 2014

The following packages have been updated for the Cygwin distribution:

* libglib2.0_0-2.38.2-4
* libglib2.0-devel-2.38.2-4
* libglib2.0-doc-2.38.2-4

GLib is the low-level core library that forms the basis for projects
such as GTK+ and GNOME. It provides data structure handling for C,
portability wrappers, and interfaces for such runtime functionality as
an event loop, threads, dynamic loading, and an object system.

This release includes the latest upstream changes to the gdb scripts,
which are now shipped in the debuginfo package.


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