Dfficulty with xorg-server-1.17.1-2.

Jon TURNEY jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Tue Feb 24 21:44:00 GMT 2015

On 24/02/2015 18:03, GEORGE BARRICK wrote:
>       I've been using xlaunch with a windows desktop shortcut for
> about a year to start a multi-window instance of xwin on my Win7
> computers.
>       OK.  Now for the difficulty.  I recently (today) updated my
> cygwin system to include the newest xorg-server, xorg-server-common
> and xorg-server-dmx (the 1.17.1-2 versions) as well as
> xf86-video-dummy_0.3.7-3 xf86-video-nested-0.1.0-6 and xinit_1.3.4-5,
> and have found that xlaunch no longer seems capable of finding my
> .xlaunch-file.  It starts X as before, but does not automatically spin
> up the xterm that my .xlaunch-file requests.  I wind up having to start
> an xterm manually from the xwin "Applications" menu.
>       In summary, I have changed _nothing_ except for the new X-stuff,
> and have this problem.  The log-file from xwin does not seem radically
> different:
>       The other notable problem to report is that my X-server now
> crashes after about 5-10 minutes of use.
> P.S.  Excuse verbosity of this report; I've tried to give complete
>          description.

Thanks for providing such a detailed report, this enabled me to quickly 
reproduce what I think is the issue.

This seems to be a problem with xlaunch, which needs a small update to 
work correctly with xserver 1.17.

I've just uploaded xlaunch-20150224-1, which should fix this.

I think this is actually also the cause of your 'crashes' as well. 
After about 12 minutes, xlaunch is deciding that the X server hasn't 
started successfully and is killing it.

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