Dfficulty with xorg-server-1.17.1-2.

GEORGE BARRICK gbarrick@kent.edu
Wed Feb 25 01:36:00 GMT 2015

                                           2015.02.24.18:06:36 EST

Hey Jon,

         Thanks for your attention to all that detail.
I will test the updated xlaunch-20150224-1 when
it hits some of the mirrors tomorrow morning.

George                                gee_barrick_at_kent_dot_edu

On 2/24/15, Jon TURNEY <jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk> wrote:
> On 24/02/2015 19:35, Jon TURNEY wrote:
>> On 24/02/2015 19:05, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
>>> On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 11:03 AM, GEORGE BARRICK wrote:
>>>>       The other notable problem to report is that my X-server now
>>>> crashes after about 5-10 minutes of use.  Since this issue does
>>>> not get reported in xwin.0.log or xwin.0.log.old, I do not yet
>>>> know how to provide more information.
>>> I have seen this also. It only happens on my PC at home, if I leave it
>>> alone for hours on end.  It's not nearly as frequent as 5-10 minutes.
>>> I need to check the log files again, but I don't remember seeing
>>> anything there the first time I looked.
>> With regard to the crash problems, can you please try the instructions
>> at [1] to generate a backtrace.
>> [1] http://x.cygwin.com/devel/backtrace.html
> Possibly this was xlaunch deciding that the X server hasn't started
> successfully after ~12 minutes or so, and killing it.
> So don't bother, unless you have crash problems after upgrading to
> xlaunch-20150224-1, or when not using xlaunch.
> --
> Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

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