xpdf responds spasmodically to 2-finger scroll

paul Paul.Domaskis@gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 01:16:00 GMT 2015

Most touchpads these days have multi-finger gesture.  Synaptics seems
to reign in the Windows world, and you can now scroll by sliding 2
fingers along the touch pad.  In the past, you had to define a scroll
margin for 1-finger scrolling.

I'm finding that cygwin's xpdf responds in an unusably spasmodic way
to 2-finger scrolling.  Once in a blue moon, after using another app
like Firefox, xpdf will respond smoothly as other apps do.  but the
moment you change anything, e.g. enabling continuous scroll, the
usable behaviour disappears and you get the spasmodic behaviour (even
if you reverse what you did to make the good behaviour go away).

Has anyone else found this to be the case?  Has anyone discovered the
secret combination of actions that bring about the good scrolling
behaviour?  Has anyone discovered the secret for making the smooth
scrolling stick?

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