Spurious pastes

Jon Turney jon.turney@dronecode.org.uk
Thu Feb 15 12:44:00 GMT 2018

>>> On 02-Feb-2018 13:13, David Mathog wrote:
>>>> I seem to recall that before this if I highlighted a region in an
>>>> xterm window, then moved to another X11 application window, and center
>>>> clicked, it would paste the highlighted text.  However, if nothing was
>>>> highlighted in the last window, nothing would paste.  My memory may be
>>>> faulty on this issue though, as I never paid a lot of attention to it
>>>> before it started misbehaving.
>>> That wasn't right, but cut/paste is slightly different between "on 
>>> the console" and "over putty ssh tunnel with X11 Server on Windows".
>>> On an XFCE4 ubuntu system console this is what happens:
>> I'm guessing this means a non-X terminal?
> That is a regular X11 server, xorg 1.15.1.  It just acts differently in 
> that it was possible to "select nothing".

Hmm... I'm not sure what to make of that.

In my brief testing, the behaviour does seem to vary with different 
terminals: terminator doesn't let you select an empty region, lxterm 
empties the selection (your expected behaviour), and xterm/rxvt don't 
change the selection.

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