Section: File Formats (5)
Updated: xorg-server 21.1.1
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XWinrc- XWin Server Resource Configuration File.
The X Server for the X Window System on the Cygwin environment
running on Microsoft Windows, XWin can be optionally configured
with the XWinrc file. A system-wide configuration file should
be placed in
/etc/X11/system.XWinrc, a per-user file
should be put at $HOME/.XWinrc. The system.XWinrc file is
read only if no $HOME/.XWinrc exist.
With the .XWinrc configuration file it is possible to do the
1- To include items into the menu associated with the XWin icon
which is in the Windows system tray. This feature functions in
all XWin modes that have such tray icon.
2- To include items into the menu which is associated with the
Windows window that XWin -multiwindow produces for each
top-level X-window. That can be done both for the generic case and
for particular programs.
3- To change the icon that is associated to the Windows window
that XWin -multiwindow produces for each top-level X-window.
Again, that can be done both for the generic case and for particular
programs. The new icons associated should be Windows format
icons .ico.
4- To change the style that is associated to the Windows window
that -multiwindow produces for each top-level X window. Again,
that can be done both for the generic case and for particular programs.
are case insensitive, but in this document they will be written
completely capitalized.
are legal pretty much anywhere you can have an end-of-line; they
begin with "#" or "//" and go to the end-of-line.
Quote marks in strings are optional unless the string has included spaces,
or could be parsed, ambiguously, as a misplaced keyword.
There are four kinds of instructions: miscellaneous, menu, icon and style.
Miscellaneous instruction
- DPI resolution
Sets the resolution for all screens, in dots per inch. To be used when
the server cannot determine the screen size(s) from the hardware.
- XKBLayout layout
- XKBModel model
- XKBOptions option
- XKBRules rule
- XKBVariant variant
These options configure the xkeyboard extension to load a particular
keyboard map as the X server starts. The behavior is similar to the
setxkbmap(1) program.
See the xkeyboard-config(7) manual page for a list of
keyboard configurations.
Alternatively, you can use setxkbmap(1) program after XWin
is running.
The default is to select a keyboard configuration matching your current
layout as reported by Windows, if known, or the default X server
configuration if no matching keyboard configuration was found.
- DEBUG String
The String is printed to the XWin log file.
- TRAYICON icon-specifier
The TRAYICON keyword changes the icon XWin displays in the
system tray area.
The SILENTEXIT keyword, which takes no parameters, disables the
exit confirmation dialog if no clients are connected.
The FORCEEXIT keyword, which takes no parameters, disables the
exit confirmation dialog always. Unsaved client work may be lost but
this may be useful if you want no dialogs.
Menu instructions
- MENU Menu_Name {
This instruction defines a menu and asigns a Menu_Name to it.
Menu_Item_Line are lines of any of the following types:
- Item_Label EXEC Command
- Item_Label MENU previously-defined-menu-name
- Item_Label RELOAD
The Item_Label is the string that is written in the menu item.
Command is a string with the command that will be executed by /bin/sh.
Here paths should be CYGWIN style (e.g. /usr/local/bin/myprogram).
A string "%display%" appearing in the Command will be replaced
with the proper display variable (i.e.<display>.0).
ALWAYSONTOP sets the window to which the menu is associated to
display above all others.
RELOAD causes the XWinrc file to be reloaded and icons and menus
- ROOTMENU previously-defined-menu-name
Includes the items in the indicated menu into the menu associated with
XWin that appears in the system tray.
- DEFAULTSYSMENU previously-defined-menu-name ATSTART|ATEND
Includes the items in the indicated menu into the menu associated with
generic top-level X-Windows in the XWin multiwindow mode. The
keywords ATSTART and ATEND indicate if such items should be
included at the start or at the end of the menu.
class-or-name-of-window defined-menu-name ATSTART|ATEND
Associates a specific menu to a specified window class or name
in -multiwindow mode. The keywords ATSTART or ATEND indicate if
such items should be included at the start or at the end of the menu.
Icon Instructions
When specifying an icon-specifier in the following commands several different formats are allowed:
filename of an .ico format file
(e.g. "cygwin.ico", "apple.ico", "C:\icons\cheese.ico", "/usr/share/icons/moon.ico")
- NAME.DLL,nnn
filename of a DLL with an index into its ICON resources
(e.g. "c:\windows\system32\shell32.dll,4", the default folder icon,
"/usr/bin/cygicons-0.dll,10", the hippo icon)
- ,nnn
index into the XWin executable's internal ICON resources
(e.g. ",101" is the 1st icon in XWin)
- ICONDIRECTORY Windows-path-to-icon-directory
Defines the default directory for the file when an icon-specifier doesn't
contain an absolute path.
It should be a Windows style path (e.g. C:\cygwin\usr\local\icons).
- DEFAULTICON icon-specifier
Defines a replacement for the standard X icon for applications without
specified icons.
class-or-name-of-window icon-specifier
Defines icon replacements windows matching the specified window class or names.
If multiple name or class matches occur for a window, only the first one
will be used.
Style Instructions
class-or-name-of-window style-keyword-1 style-keyword-2 style-keyword-3
Associates specific styles to a specified window class or name
in -multiwindow mode. If multiple class or name matches occur,
for a window, only the first one will be used.
The style keywords indicate the following:
Open the class or name above all NOTOPMOST Microsoft Windows
Start the class or name fullscreen.
Start the class or name iconic.
Open the class or name below all Windows windows.
No Windows title bar, for the class or name.
No Windows title bar and just a thin-line border, for the class or name.
No Windows title bar or border, for the class or name.
Omit the class or name from being listed in the Windows taskbar.
Up to one keyword from each of these three groups can be used. Not all
groups need be used, and the keywords can be given in any order.
- This example adds an Xterm menu item to the system tray icon
MENU systray {
xterm EXEC "xterm -display %display% -sb -sl 999"
ROOTMENU systray
- This example makes an oclock window frameless in -multiwindow mode
oclock NOFRAME
The XWinrc feature of XWin was written primarily by Earle F. Philhower
III. Extended for style configuration by Colin Harrison.
- Miscellaneous instruction
- Menu instructions
- Icon Instructions
- Style Instructions
This document was created by
using the manual pages.
Time: 19:03:21 GMT, December 12, 2021