Xfree updated

Suhaib M. Siddiqi Ssiddiqi@InspirePharm.Com
Sat Jul 24 12:06:00 GMT 1999

I have updated the source code of XFree86, and binaries.
Attached is the ReadMe file for Cygwin-Xfree. This is
patched source of XFree86 3.3.4 for Cygwin B20.1 The code
patches, and binaries are available at
ftp://sourceware.cygnus.com/pub/cygwin/xfree .

Please ignore the pre-alpha-cygwin-cygwin.tar.bz2
and pre-alpga-cygwin-xfree-patch.tar.bz2.  They are
old files and will be deleted soon.

The name of the
binary file with the latest libs and x-server is
pre-alpha-xfree-cygwin-b20.1.tar.bz2 (dated July 24, 1999).

Fixes to cygwin-xfree servers are highly appreciated.



----Read Me---------------------------

This is a pre-Alpha version of port of X-server for Cygwin B20.1,
based upon XFree86 3.3.4.

To compile, you must download xc-1.tar.bz2, xc-2.tar.bz2 and xc-3.tar.bz2

If you already have XFr86-3.3.4 source code from http://www.xfree86.org ,
then you can download the patches file, cygwin-xfree-diff.tar.bz2.
(bunzip2) and copy the "cygwin" directory to
xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support.  After that apply the
cygwin-xfree patch;
patch -p0 <cygwin-xfree.diff>.

You will need libcrypt.a.  You can doiwnload libcrypt-cygwin-b20.1.tar.bz2.
Install the libcrypt.a in ../H-i586-cygwin32/i586-cygwin32/lib.
After extracting xc-1.tar.bz2, xc-2.tar.bz2, and xc-3.tar.bz2 in an "xc"
directory, type "make World >& World.log"

You can substantially reduce the compilation time by compiling only the
X-server drivers
you need, i.e change all the "#define XF86xxxServer YES" to NO, except the
only you need.  On my 500 MHz PIII PC/Windows Nt 4.0 SP5, compiling
took 2 1/2 hours.

My precompiled binaries of libraries and executables are in

"pre-alpha-xfree-cygwin.tar.bz2."  These binaries were compiled

using GCC-2.95 latest snapshot from Mumit Khan and Cygwin July 17th, 199

snapshot. To use these binaries you will at least need the cygwin1.dll

from July 17th, 1999 snapshot of Cygwin.

Known Problems:

1) DPMSExtensions does not buoild at the moment. If you wish to work on

DPMSExtensions, have a look at xc/config/cf/host.def site.def and cygwin.cf.

Change BuildDPMSExtension to YES.
2) Due to the lack of DPMSExtension, drivers for GLINT and P9000 do not
compile.  If you wish

to compile GLINT and P9000 drivers, change the following in

xc/config/cf/xfree86.cf and site.def to YES

#ifndef XF86P9000Server

#define XF86P900Server		NO


#ifndef XF86GLINTServer

#define XF86GLINTServer		NO


3) The samples of XF86Config and other configuration files for /etc /dev and

/var are in extra-cygwin-xfree.tar.gz2

4) The code in xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/cygwin is a very dirty (silly)

hack.  It needs work. If you are willing to clean up thee code in

xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/cygwin, please do so. I will appreciate it.

5)XServer attempts to open /dev/console, which does not exists on Winodws.

We need to find a work around for it.  The source code for /dev/console

is in xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/cygwin,
xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common and


6) I got XF86_SVGA.exe, X-server open an Xterm on my PC, only a few times,

but most of the times, it crashed on me.

7) The Virtual Frame Buffer X-server (Xvfb.exe) compiles, but fails to
display.  You can read

more about VFB in xc/programs/Xserver/hw/vfb/Redame.  VFB usually used by

developers for testing X-Servers and X11 clients.  It is not meant to be

stand-alone X-server for  end-users.

Suhaib (ssiddiqi@inspirepharm.com)

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