Why run XWindows on top of MS Windows?

Suhaib Siddiqi ssiddiqi@inspirepharm.com
Thu Oct 26 17:34:00 GMT 2000

Thanks for your suggestions.  BUT the answer to question is alrady covered
in FAQ.  All users needs to do read Q.1 and Q.2 and follow the links.  I
personally do not think anyone can cover this topic better then Kenton Lee,
whose URL pointer is under Q.2. ( http://www.rahul.net/kenton ).

I do not think it is a right attitude from users to shoot the questions and
suggestions without reading the FAQ and mail archives and then someone else
jumping in between hiding behind aliases of Trade-Marks and opening an
account as "xmoderator" under anonymous ID's.  This kind of behavior, I do
not appreciate.  It is an OpenSource projects users should be willing to
search and read to find the answers, before asking.  If I am unable to
answer the questions properly then others are welcome to answer, instead of
creating confusions through anonymous accounts.

At last, as I always say "Read First FAQ and Mail Archives Then Ask."  FAQ
and Mail archive are there for some good reasons.  98% when I have problems
with Cygwin itself, a few minutes search on Cygwin mail archives answer my
questions or give me hints where to look for a fix.  I expect users to make
a good use of precious disk space and Sourceware Server space Chris Faylor
devoted to this project.


1. General Information
 What is X11, X11R6.x, and Cygwin/XFree86?
X11, more precisely called "The X Window System" is a complete window system
that usually runs as the de-facto standard in Unix environments. X11R6.4 is
the name of the current release (precisely, the most recent one is
X11R6.5.1, but this is not part of the 4.X server line. XFree86 was
originally an implementation of the X Window System on x86-based systems.
(For more information see http://www.xfree86.org/#whatis ). Cygwin/XFree86
is a port of XFree86 version 4 for x86 windows based systems using Redhat's
Cygwin Development Tools.
1.2 Where can I find more information?
Books about X11 exist in any well-sorted CS bookstore. 

Some URLs:  
http://www.x11.org/ (this has a rather large bibliography)  
Mailing list Cygwin-XFree@sources.redhat.com. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Collins
To: cygwin xfree86; cygwin-xfree@sources.redhat.com
Sent: 10/26/2000 8:11 PM
Subject: RE: Why run XWindows on top of MS Windows?

I agree - it is rudimentary questions that *MUST* be covered by the web
page or the FAQ. "Frequently" asked questions...

I am happy to put in the reasoning the next time I update the pages
(probably this weekend). (UNLESS you object Suhaib.).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin xfree86 [ mailto:xmoderator@HOTMAIL.COM ]
> Sent: Friday, 27 October 2000 5:51 AM
> To: cygwin-xfree@sources.redhat.com
> Subject: RE: Why run XWindows on top of MS Windows?
> >If this is not obvious to you, then I cannot help you or no 
> one can answer 
> >you....
> Another brillant but useless answer from one of this group's 
> moderators!

This group isn't moderated. It is 100% volunteer unpaid contribution.
Chris Faylor et al from Redhat listen in but aren't involved in the
development (unless you lot just got a lot of time ? :-]). So thanks for
your brilliant, inspired response that will get everyone assisting you
in this project.
Nuff Said.

> It would be helpful if the moderators of this list were more tolerant 
> potential users, no matter what their skill set, of the 
> exciting tools that 
> this group provides. Insulting people who pose naive 
> questions is not a to 
> encourage new users. So PLEASE cool your jets and be MORE TOLERANT.

Yes. Like you? The X-Server port has only just reached stablility - at
this point this is the development group, not a support group.

> >Sorry, this questions cannot be included in FAQ, it is too 
> redumentary.
> This is precisely the type of basic question that should be 
> in an FAQ - they 
> are for use by experienced users and newbies.

As I said.. I agree


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