[ANNOUNCEMENT] Shadow Framebuffer Test 10

Paul Fine pfine@delcomsys.com
Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2001

I  have Test 10 working on both a Dell Pentium III Desktop and a Toshiba 
4025CDT Laptop.  It works without craching on both systems.  The Dell  
has cygwin 1.1.5 installed and is running Windows 98.  The laptop has 
the latest cygwin as of last week (1.1.8) and is also running Windows 
98.  I compiled fvwm2 against the Cygwin/XFree86 and it worked out of 
the box.  I did not have to make a single mod!

I have noted two problems.  The first is when I run Emacs from a remote 
Linux box the Alt key is not mapped to the Meta key.  I assume that this 
is an Xserver configuration issue.  Could someone give me a hint how to 
setup the proper mapping?

The second problem happens while running fvwm2.  Using the 
system.fvwm2rc which is shipped with fvwm2, I have the focus in the 
upper left virtual screen.  When I move the mouse through the Icon 
Manager, the focus often changes to one of the lower virtual screens.  
This even happens if my Cygwin/Xfree86 window is not on top. I have also 
tried running fvwm2 from a remote Linux box, using Cygwin/XFree86 as my 
display server and it exhibits the same problem.

Harold Hunt wrote:

> Has anybody gotten Test 10 or Test 9 to work?
> Harold

Paul Fine
Delphi Communication Systems, Inc.

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