Another try with Laptop problems

Robert Collins
Sun Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lundh Christian" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 12:02 AM
Subject: Another try with Laptop problems

> Hi Folks,
> A couple of days ago I tried to find a solution for my problems with using
> XFree86 for Cygwin on my Dell Laptop  with NT4.0 SP6. The answer I got to
> this was just a very rude answer. I hope there are people out there that are
> much more helpful than the guy who answered me. So i thought I should give
> this list one more try.

IIRC , the answer was from Suhaib, and it was direct IMO not rude. I'm sorry if you are offended by a request to read the mail
archives, but on this *bleeding edge* list, we get a fair number of repeat questions. We also get genuine problems, such as yours,
which we try to solve.

> The problem I (still) have is that XFree86 doesn't recognize my mouse and I
> get an error messagebox saying:
> SetDataFormat(SysMouse, dfDIMouse)
> Error = 80070057(DIERR_INVALIDPARAM)

Right. You have a problem. DirectX is reporting an invalid parameter on the call made to it by Xfree86. Noone has reported this
problem before, or a (best case) patch or (worst case) FAQ entry would have been created.

> I've tried about everything I can think of but nothing helps. If anyone has
> had a similar problem with their laptops I would be grateful for any help I
> can get on this.

This isn't very helpful on your part. Let's see, mind probe on, ah yes I can tell what you tried. /Sarcasm. Please provide the steps
you took to troubleshoot this, along with the output of dxdiag's "save all information" dump, which may give one of the programmers
(I don't hack on Xfree86 myself) some insight into your problem. Also include any details you can think of that may be relevant. I'm
not sure if you have read the FAQ, and I'll assume you have from here on in.

Windows is not a very reliable platform to build a user interface on. The device drivers are inconsistent, the error codes usually
confusing, and there is no way to peek under the covers and check when that is the case. If you are assuming we have even the
faintest idea what is happening within your machine, don't - we only know what we are told by you, and any guesses we make are
likely to be wrong (thanks Microsoft!).

> And belive me mr Siddiqi, I have searched this archive about ten times for a
> solution, but I haven't found any answers anywhere. So please, think one
> more time before you send such a childish reply to the list!!!

Mr Siddiqi is _the creator of the cygwin port of Xfree86_. You may think he was rude, but I am confident you that if you provide
appropriate debug information (other than the terse reports provided to date) you are going to see at least some attempt to assist

Anyway... I'm not the list maintainer, but I think the issue of rudeness vs politness will lead into a flame war so lets drop that
angle and focus on : your mouse is broken with respect to Xfree86, you have tried a number of unspecified things with no joy, and
would like a hand...


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