(GPL/X11 issues) RE: Debug of Test 15 (cgf input needed)

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Sun Apr 8 16:39:00 GMT 2001

I have previously seen on this list the question of what license the
Cygwin/XFree86 binaries and sources are under; I've decided to throw in my
two cents on the matter, just for the record.  I'm sending all replies to
this message and/or future questions regarding this issue to /dev/null, so
as not to start a flame war.  :)

Well, here's my input:

I'm doing whatever I want with GPL'd source and binaries compiled from them,
short of copying and pasting GPL'd source into a closed commercial product.
Of course, I'm not working on any closed commercial products at the time, so
that's not going to be a problem.

Now, if somebody comes along and tells me that I'm breaking the law and/or
upsetting RMS because I'm using Cygwin/XFree86 linked to a GPL'd DLL, I'm
going to tell them two things:
1) Sue me
2) The second thing I would say would not be appropriate
	to mention in this forum :)

One more point: there are no GPL issues because no has has ever been
prosecuted for violating the GPL.  A court has not reviewed the GPL yet to
decide which parts are applicable and which are not, therefore, it doesn't
really matter what we do in the mean time, as we're incredibly likely to be
doing the wrong thing.


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