Starting web site updates

Alexander Gottwald
Thu Apr 12 06:07:00 GMT 2001

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Harold Hunt wrote:

> >  ooops tarball are __NOT__ going to ready before weekend...
> That's fine.  I won't have an AltGr patch until then.
> The main thing holding up the AltGr patch is that we need a way to tell if
> the right hand Alt key is being used as a compose key... I have yet to find
> a Win32 API call that can tell me this information.

Do you mean figure out if __exactly__ AltGr (aka Alt_R) is pressed?
Since the mapping to the compose key is done with the modmap, it would
be sufficient to send the Alt_R scancode an drop the fake Control_L scancode.

Or am I missing something?

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