Fonts and Install Instructions

Holger Vogt
Sat Apr 28 04:37:00 GMT 2001

You need at least fonts from /misc/.

If you have CYGWIN installed, download XFree86-misc-fonts.tar.bz2 and
extract with bunzip2.exe and tar.exe -xf XFree86-misc-fonts.tar.

If you don't have CYGWIN, it can be done but requires a lot of manual
handling. In addition to my posting given a few days before you will
need bunzip2 and tar.

The absolte minimum of font files needed to run xwin is:
fonts.dir, fonts.alias, 6x13-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz and cursor.pcf.gz, all
from fonts/misc/, a total of 42.1 kB. Of course then nearly all
applications will complain about missing fonts, or even cease to work,
xwin also will complain but still run (including rxvt and twm).



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