Keyboard is losing it´s focus again

Cord-H. Fricke fricke@Team.OWL-Online.DE
Fri Jun 22 00:35:00 GMT 2001

Ok Harold... only for you I try to give you the full power ;-) :

Working with a W2k-machine and starting cygwin/XFree from startxwin.bat with
the following options:

@echo off
SET PATH=.;%PATH%;\cygwin\bin;\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin;\cygwin\

start XWin -screen 0 1280x1024x32 -whitepixel 255 -blackpixel 0 -engine 4
start /B xterm -e /usr/bin/bash -c '/usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap.exe;xhost.exe;/bin/rsh.exe -l cord
"/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -display -e nohup /usr/bin/kde2&"'

Then my Xserver is starting and KDE is starting too.
I can work with all X-Options and it is fast and great and everything...

I can´t cut and paste with my Logitech MouseMan Whell (cordless) but there is
a workaround with shift+insert.
I have Virtual Desktops on my W2K and after working on KDE and switching to..
maybe Netscape on Windows or any Win-Programm and then switching back to KDE
the Xterm doesn´t recognize any keyboard-pressure...
I can open a new shell and work fine but I have to kill the old XTerm because
it´s not possible to work with it.
I think cygwin/XFree is one of the best ways to work from a Windows machine on
a Linux-Environment. And with my KDE-Session I have all the features I need
(and more ;-)).
Only this two little problems with my mouse and my keyboard are turning the
colour a little bit grey, know what I mean? ; -)

Harold Hunt schrieb:

> Fricke,
> > after working for 3 hours the keyboard is losing it´s focus so hard that
> > I always have to kill the xterm because I can´t work anymore.
> I'd love to help, but I am a very slow thinker. :)  I can only help when I
> have a perfectly defined test case, with the steps needed to reproduce it.
> Give me a test case, and I'll try to give you a hand...
> Harold

Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Cord-H. Fricke

Fon: ++49  52 1 / 52 51-111
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