Keyboard is losing it´s focus again

Harold Hunt
Fri Jun 22 10:21:00 GMT 2001


> start XWin -screen 0 1280x1024x32 -whitepixel 255 -blackpixel 0 -engine 4
> start /B xterm -e /usr/bin/bash -c '/usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap.exe
>;xhost.exe;/bin/rsh.exe -l cord
> "/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -display -e nohup /usr/bin/kde2&"'

Try a simpler test case.  Just launch an xterm, without connecting to a
remote host, then do the desktop switch that causes xterm to ignore keyboard
input.  See if you can reproduce the behavior in that simpler situation.

I doubt that this behavior takes three hours to show up; rather, I am
guessing that there is some pattern of focus changes, or some total count of
focus changes, that causes this behavior to show up.  Try to reproduce all
styles of focus changes, and try to produce lots of them, in order to figure
out the circumstances that cause this behavior.

Also, you could try launching a remote KDE session, using your usual
commands, then walk away from the machine for several hours.  When you come
back, see if the problem has shown up without any user input.  That would
prove or disprove my theory that this is not time related.

Any reason why you aren't using XDMCP?

> Then my Xserver is starting and KDE is starting too.
> I can work with all X-Options and it is fast and great and everything...
> I can´t cut and paste with my Logitech MouseMan Whell (cordless)
> but there is
> a workaround with shift+insert.

I saw that it was suggested to use the -emulate3button parameter, and you
reported that it did not work.  However, the parameter is
actually -emulate3buttons, notice the 's'.  Give that a try.  In any case,
you can always get the list of valid paremeters by running 'XWin -help' from
an MS-DOS Prompt; the Cygwin/XFree86 specific parameters are at the bottom
of the list.

Good luck,


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