[ANNOUNCEMENT] Server Test 53

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Sun Nov 11 12:06:00 GMT 2001


Test53 needs to be tested thoroughly, as it is likely that I have broken
things.  Furthermore, Test53 will probably be the server that is used in
XFree86 4.2.0, so any outstanding bugs need to be fixed within a week or


I just posted Test 53 to the server development page:

Server Test Series binary and source code releases are now
available via the sources.redhat.com ftp mirror network
(http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html) in the
pub/cygwin/xfree/devel/shadow/ directory.  You may wish to note the
desired filename in the links below, then download from your
closest mirror (http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html).

Server binary, direct link:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xwin/shadow/XWin-Test53.exe.bz2 (1074 KiB)

Server source, direct link:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xwin/shadow/xwin-20011111-1500.tar.bz2 (69 KiB)


1) winkeybd.c - winRestoreModeKeyStates () - This function is
supposed to handle the case where the user switches out of
Cygwin/XFree86, changes the state of a mode key (i.e. Num Lock), then
returns to Cygwin/XFree86.  Back in May I replaced a macro, WIN_XOR,
with the C binary operator ^.  At the time I didn't realize that I was
using the binary operator instead of the logical operator.  The end
result is that some of the mode keys were toggled each time that
Cygwin/XFree86 gained and lost focus, regardless of whether the key
state had changed.  The WIN_XOR macro is being used again, and I have
added a note as to why the C xor operator cannot be used.  This has
been broken for months, I'm really surprised that no one noticed it

2) winwndproc.c - winWindowProc () - Move the mode key state
save/restore function calls to the WM_KILLFOCUS and WM_SETFOCUS
messages, from the WM_ACTIVATE message.



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