Clipboard inspector in X?

Philip Flip Kromer
Fri Apr 12 21:30:00 GMT 2002


I am trying to debug an issue with cutting and pasting between 
XFree86/Cygwin and eXceed.  I have the latest xwinclip from

I am sure there must be an X equivalent of the Windows Clipboard Viewer 
(C:\WINDOWS\system32\clipbrd.exe): something that will sit and poll the 
x-windows clipboard(s) and show the current contents.

Unless I am missing the boat, this doesn't seem to be the purpose of 
either xcutsel or xclipboard.  I built xwinclip with debug information on 
but wanted even yet still more verbosity, and preferably something that is 
pure X.

So: Can you point me to a utility that will continuously poll the X 
PRIMARY clipboard, reflecting and displaying the current state?



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