
Benjamin Riefenstahl Benjamin.Riefenstahl@epost.de
Sat Dec 28 08:56:00 GMT 2002

Hi all, Harold,

I just figured out a problem that I have had with xwinclip-Test06.

The Windows PeekMessage() message loop doesn't process all messages.
When a message gets sent that is not processed, xwinclip starts an
endless loop alternating between select() and PeekMessage().

The reason is the way PeekMessage() is called with a HWND as
parameter.  That filters messages, so only messages to that special
HWND are returned and processed.  Messages with a NULL HWND (like
WM_QUIT or other, possibly Windows-internal messages) remain in the

I just commented out the creation of the dummy HWND, initialized that
variable to NULL and everything works fine now.  The HWND is only used
for PeekMessage (where it's harmfull) and OpenClipboard() (where it's
optional) so the whole thing can just be removed unless I am missing

In addition the PeekMessage() loop should probably check for WM_QUIT,
it currently ignores that even though the window proc actually sends
it ;-).

so long, benny

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