
Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Mon Dec 30 05:11:00 GMT 2002


Yes, you are correct that NULL should be passed to PeekMessage rather 
than the handle to the messaging window.  I have made this change now.

However, I will leave in the messaging window as it is needed by many 
people that are working on patches, so it would be silly to remove all 
of that framework.

I will try to make a new release of xwinclip shortly.


Benjamin Riefenstahl wrote:
> Hi all, Harold,
> I just figured out a problem that I have had with xwinclip-Test06.
> The Windows PeekMessage() message loop doesn't process all messages.
> When a message gets sent that is not processed, xwinclip starts an
> endless loop alternating between select() and PeekMessage().
> The reason is the way PeekMessage() is called with a HWND as
> parameter.  That filters messages, so only messages to that special
> HWND are returned and processed.  Messages with a NULL HWND (like
> WM_QUIT or other, possibly Windows-internal messages) remain in the
> queue.
> I just commented out the creation of the dummy HWND, initialized that
> variable to NULL and everything works fine now.  The HWND is only used
> for PeekMessage (where it's harmfull) and OpenClipboard() (where it's
> optional) so the whole thing can just be removed unless I am missing
> something.
> In addition the PeekMessage() loop should probably check for WM_QUIT,
> it currently ignores that even though the window proc actually sends
> it ;-).
> so long, benny

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