New xlauncher (was: Re: Success with Java prog in XFree)

Charles Wilson
Sun Jul 7 11:20:00 GMT 2002

Harold Hunt wrote:

> That's fine about Java... but that last I knew this xlauncher was a Delphi
> app.  What have you got to say about that :)

WTF?  I don't follow the xfree list all that closely, but didn't this 
thread start out as "Success with Java prog in XFree"?  I just assumed 
that 'xlauncher' WAS that Java prog.  Sorry for the confusion.

You're right about delphi. :-)

On the other hand, there's no reason that Tim couldn't create a package, 
create a setup.ini, put it up on a web page, and tell folks to point 
setup there.  In fact, setup in its current form, without ANY changes, 
could be used to install just about anything that's shipped as a tarball 
-- the end user need only NOT select any official cygwin mirrors, and 
add user URLs for the desired targets.


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