[packages] gtk+, glib, imlib

Jehan nahor@bravobrava.com
Fri Jul 12 12:34:00 GMT 2002

Nicholas Wourms wrote:
> So?  Your point?  I don't want to run linux on this machine.  My question
> above was partially a joke and partially a rhetorical one.  I don't need
> to be lectured on the joy and simplicity of the explorer interface (tho
> neither seem to apply).  Let's not turn this into a Microsoft lovefest. 
> My point was that Rootless mode is a fluff setting, something that really
> isn't that important.  Perhaps a better use of time could be spent
> figuring out how to profile and improve the performance of the X server? 
> Or perhaps making truetype fonts easier for people to use in X?

My point is that it's not cygwin's goal to replace Windows. Cygwin wants 
to bring Unix applications to Windows, not Windows application to Unix. 
If you want Windows applications inside XFree, Linux+Wine do exactly that.
My point is that Windows doesn't "suck" as much as you claim. We are all 
using it on this mailing list. Some may not like it but I doubt that the 
majority here think so.
My point is that maybe you don't see a use to the Rootless mode but 
seeing the number of requests about it here and on slashdot, that's not 
what most people think.
My point is I don't like the way you are telling us what to do base on 
your own opinion while we are all volunteers using our own free time to 
improve Cygwin/XFree.
By the way, any patch you could submit is welcome.


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