[packages] gtk+, glib, imlib

Charles Wilson cwilson@ece.gatech.edu
Fri Jul 12 12:33:00 GMT 2002

Nicholas Wourms wrote:

> So?  Your point?  I don't want to run linux on this machine.  My question
> above was partially a joke and partially a rhetorical one.  I don't need
> to be lectured on the joy and simplicity of the explorer interface (tho
> neither seem to apply).  Let's not turn this into a Microsoft lovefest. 
> My point was that Rootless mode is a fluff setting, something that really
> isn't that important.  Perhaps a better use of time could be spent
> figuring out how to profile and improve the performance of the X server? 
> Or perhaps making truetype fonts easier for people to use in X?

Nicholas --
   There are lots of worthy areas why Xserv on cygwin can be improved. 
You have your priorities, other people have theirs.  Unfortunately, you 
ARE in the extreme minority, so you're going to have to sit back and 
watch rootless be discussed an implemented.  Probably before TT or 
profiling or ...


Go read the Slashdot thread from Sunday, 7 July 2002.  Almost every 
third message was "It's pretty good, but it doesn't have a rootless 
mode.  All commercial Xservs on windows have one; this won't be a 
[serious|real|usable|finished] product until it does, too."

There was even one message that basically said "This thing sucks ***. It 
doesn't have a rootless mode".  Okay, so the guy was a troll, but nobody 
contradicted him...

We even got two or three spill-over questions which were obviously 
stimulated by the Slashdot story, where folks we'd never heard of wrote 
to the mailing list to say "Cygwin Xserver is really cool, but I 
[won't|can't] use it until it has a rootless mode.  When will that be?"

Finally, and most importantly, Harold *wants* to work on a rootless 
mode.  He's scratching his own itch.  If you want to work on TT support, 
nobody is stopping you. -- go scratch.  <g>


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