[packages] gtk+, glib, imlib

Lapo Luchini lapo@lapo.it
Fri Jul 12 07:38:00 GMT 2002

>He has something.  Frankly, I think we should let harold release these
>packages.  He's got a firm understanding of the underlying mechanics of
>how X works.
That is indeed the best choice, maybe I read his message in a way too 
non-optimistic view =)

>  Plus if you commit to maintainership of 1.X, then it is
>assumed that you will be working on porting 2.X.  Are you ready for this
It's not a question of responsability, but of lack of knowledge and lack 
of time to obtain that knowledge ^_^
But again, I don't have idea of how much hard would it be... I just seen 
the 20k patch to gtk+-1.2.10 by Steven and Corinna says that right now 
it compiles OOTB.
OOTB is fairly different from "20k patch needed" IMHO, bay shortly after 
I received a message from Steven stating that his port is fairly old and 
many things changed (porting of autotools being the biggest, I bet)...

>As for freeciv, I will send you a static lib of Xaw3d to see if that will
>help you better.  I would then release free-civ as is.  
>We can worry about why the DLL version of Xaw3d isn't working later.

>  Again, is there any rush to getting it out?
No, just the fact that when I begin something I like to finish it soon 
so that it doesn't occupy space in my head (don't know how to express it 
in english but an "unfinished task" lingers in my head until it is "put 
at rest" by solving it).
But again, also given the beauty of win32 native port (well, not that 
native, it uses gtk+), the is no rush in it.

Lapo 'Raist' Luchini
lapo@lapo.it (PGP & X.509 keys available)
http://www.lapo.it (ICQ UIN: 529796)

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