[packages] gtk+, glib, imlib

Lapo Luchini lapo@lapo.it
Fri Jul 12 10:35:00 GMT 2002

>You read my message correctly the first time.  I do not have enough time to
>work on glib and gtk+.  You are more than welcome to work on them.  I think
>that Nicholas might want to work with you on them.
I wasn't wrong afterall =)
(I didn't read the reply until after sending my reply)

>>> Plus if you commit to maintainership of 1.X, then it is
>>>assumed that you will be working on porting 2.X.  Are you ready for this
>I would actually have the same problem with not having enough knowledge.  I am
>sort of an interesting person though... I tend to gater, filter, and absorb
>information/knowledge faster than most people, and I tend to do something
>productive with that info quite quickly.  That is not to say, however, that I
>have 10 to 20 hours to mess around with glib and gtk+.  :)
Well, given enough time I can digest knowledge quite good, but it 
happens that I'm trying to get a university degree (I never understood 
english degree names very well, but it is that kind of degree that you 
take from a university you enter at the age of 19 and you exit a 
teorical minimum of 5 years later) and many other things... so time is 
just the scarce resource.
But if it does compile OOTB like Corinna says and if no one expects me 
to release gtk+2 tomorrow... I could well commit to mantainership.

Of course anyone with more time / knowledge / will could take my place 
as it wants 0=)

>I love watching big projects and I love seeing them pass milestones.
Yeah, I just love it.
But even if they're way too big fishes for me, I can't just sit in a 
corner a watch (this leads to my many filled bugs in 
bugzilla.mozilla.org, my mantainership of rsync and other cygwin 
packages, my small contributions to freebsd ports, and the such). =)

>off-topic... nothing to see here.  Move along.  Move along.
Not true, cygwin is pretty big and pretty good ;-)

(yeah, still waiting for someone to do "80 hours of work" for the 
rootless XFree =P)


Lapo 'Raist' Luchini
lapo@lapo.it (PGP & X.509 keys available)
http://www.lapo.it (ICQ UIN: 529796)

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