DDraw Blt vs BltFast

Christopher Faylor cgf@redhat.com
Tue Mar 12 20:15:00 GMT 2002

On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 06:06:16PM -0500, Harold Hunt wrote:
>> > Fine.  But how do you implement them on 9x/Me?
>>Perhaps the same way I implemented FIFO's, but easier as the semantics
>>seem less complex to me.
>>Anyway, sure we don't need to have bot NT and 9x all at the same
>Sounds logical to me.  There is no reason to limit the performance on
>Windows NT/2000/XP just because there would need to be a seperate
>routine for Windows 95/98/Me.

I'm glad it sounds logical.  Cygwin already has lots of code that is NT
specific, e.g., CYGWIN=ntsec.


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