XWin core dump

Joe Bronkema joseph.d.bronkema@lmco.com
Thu Mar 28 06:52:00 GMT 2002


I tried Cygwin/XFree for the first time today, and was unpleasantly
surprised with a core dump when I tried to start the server.

I'm running Windows 95 with Cygwin 1.3.10 and the 4.2.0 binaries from
mirrors.rcn.net.  Here's the stack dump:

$ cat XWIN.EXE.stackdump
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=19E0C48A
eax=82BBAE20 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00A4EBE8 esi=82BBA00C
ebp=00A4EC00 esp=00A4EBBC program=C:\CYGWIN\USR\X11R6\BIN\XWIN.EXE
cs=0157 ds=015F es=015F fs=361F gs=0000 ss=015F
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
00A4EC00  19E0C48A  (00000000, 000000C0, 46000000, 82BBA00C)
0179E578  01786E3A  (017D1AC8, 0974F18B, 2BC4E856, C483FFFC)
6029107 [main] XWin 586635 handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state
y corrupted stack)

I checked the FAQ.  The entry for STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION suggested
multiple conflicting versions of cygwin1.dll.  I have only the one.

Any ideas?  Any additional info I could provide that would help?

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