Inconvinient colormap
Mon Nov 4 13:06:00 GMT 2002

Dear sirs,
 I have used the new version of XFree86 since August. I am happy with it.
 Some fine tunning is still needed. One problem is related to the 256-colors
 colormap, (I am using windows95).  This colormap  is not convenient because
 some important colors, such as green3 or red3, are not included. For
 the color features of RXVT cannot be used. I suppose that the colormap is
 inherited from Windows (?), so that it connot be modified. If such is the
 case, I sugest to modify instead the /llib/X11/rgb.txt table. The color
 red3=205-0-0 is not in the colormap, but 204-0-0 is there. So if one
 the definition (red3=204-0-0) the problem is solved. This should be done
 to few colors such as red3, green3, blue3,yellow3, magenta3, cyan3 and the
 scale. Many of the greys in the colormap have no name, but are very close
 to some standard greys that are not included in the colormap. Example:
 grey80=204-204-204 is not in the colormap, but there is a 203-203-203 grey
 that has no standard name.
	I hope this comments could be useful.

	Rodrigo Medina

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