Inconvinient colormap

Harold L Hunt II
Mon Nov 4 13:16:00 GMT 2002


Hmm... that is potentially a very helpful observation.

I cannot remember off-hand whether the color map is arbitrarily 
constructed, or whether I read the colors from the Windows color table. 
 In either case, it is possible that I have a simple off-by-one error in 
how the colors are set.

Could you send in your /tmp/XWin.log file from when you run in 256 color 
mode?  I need to know a few things that are contained in that log file.


Harold wrote:

>Dear sirs,
> I have used the new version of XFree86 since August. I am happy with it.
> Some fine tunning is still needed. One problem is related to the 256-colors
> colormap, (I am using windows95).  This colormap  is not convenient because
> some important colors, such as green3 or red3, are not included. For
> the color features of RXVT cannot be used. I suppose that the colormap is
> inherited from Windows (?), so that it connot be modified. If such is the
> case, I sugest to modify instead the /llib/X11/rgb.txt table. The color
> red3=205-0-0 is not in the colormap, but 204-0-0 is there. So if one
> the definition (red3=204-0-0) the problem is solved. This should be done
> to few colors such as red3, green3, blue3,yellow3, magenta3, cyan3 and the
> scale. Many of the greys in the colormap have no name, but are very close
> to some standard greys that are not included in the colormap. Example:
> grey80=204-204-204 is not in the colormap, but there is a 203-203-203 grey
> that has no standard name.
>	I hope this comments could be useful.
>	Rodrigo Medina

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