X11 and Heavy loadbalancing?

choice15@gmx.de choice15@gmx.de
Fri Nov 15 05:31:00 GMT 2002

> I don't understand what you want to do. The XServer is bound to a output
> device. So there is no way to let a cluster do the work for it.

Ok i try it more detailed again to describe:

 An J2EE (Java) implemented Applicationserver act as an
centralized Server instance for Java writen Applications.
The main Benefit of an J2EE conform Applicationserver is,
 to write code in Java as an non-visual Programm, thadt can on
the fly integrated into the running Appserver to add an Feature.
Typical Serverdriven Applications such as SMTP, POP, IMAP4,
 Telnet, Fileservice or waht ever) without the needs to implement
first an  TCP-Server Socket to host the Next Layer (the Serviceprotocol such
as HTTP).
The Only things to do is to implement the Serviceprotocol such as
RFC 1945 HTTP 1.0.

> The XClients work over network. So there is no problem with spreading them
> on a cluster.

Loadbalancing, Scalability, Avaiability is only a Task of the Appserver,
and its Environment (in an Oracle Realapplicationcluster the AppServer
can be connected to other AppServers to share its Performance ressouces
to the involved System automatically and takes care for Failover Situations)

For Example:
Oracle has implement an E-Mailserver as an J2EE Container
for the Oracle AppServer. If you have 2x Machines the Power aof Your
E-mailsystems automatically scales up the Performance (while Sharing Client
like MS-Outlook)

My simple Questions is:
 Is there an Java based  (EJB) X11R6 J2EE 1.2 / 1.3 Servercontainer Software
thadt can act as Part of an J2EE Applicationserver to act  as  an

> If you want to handle a lot of workstations with few compute servers, you
> can use the -broadcast to select the first answering compute server
> of selecting one with -query. The first responding is likely to have a low
> load.

I think the Java Part is a little bit more easly to manage for setting up an
"Userfriendly" and Crossplatform compliant System thadt runs anywhere
without Bash or other Shell/Terminalconsoles (Just like Hit & Run and better
and Costsaver as an Propritary Windows based CITRIX Metaframeterminalserver)

License GPL: Any Questions?

Greetings from Freiburg, Germany

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