X11 and Heavy loadbalancing?

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Fri Nov 15 07:07:00 GMT 2002

Yup, I am equally confused.

Keep in mind that the X Server is ``serving'' your display, mouse, and 
keyboard hardware to applications that would like to utilize them.  A 
``client'' of your X Server is utilizing the display, mouse, and 
keyboard on the X Server by drawing a window and accepting user input 
via the mouse and keyboard.

Alexander is right: clustering the X Server makes absolutely no sense. 
 How can you server multiple instances of your display, mouse, and 
keyboard?  Why would you want to?

If, on the other hand, you want to cluster X Clients, then you need to 
look at the individual clients to determine your answer.  For example, 
yes, you could right a Java X Client application that displays itself 
via the X Server and you could install your Java app on many machines 
and use some form of load-balancing to determine which of those machines 
would handle particular instances of your application.  You will notice 
that the X Server is not load-balanced here... only the client 
applications that you write.


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