Invoking rootless mode

Uwe Schmidtmann
Fri Oct 18 05:00:00 GMT 2002

Keith D. Tyler wrote:
> At the expense of sounding like a picky naysayer, XMouse never worked
> consistently similar to any other X wm's focus-follows-mouse behaviour
> that I ever used. And it will never work like Fvwm2 SloppyFocus, which
> I've become addicted to. :)

Maybe I was not clear enough with my posting (english is not my native 
language, sorry). What I am running is a combination of xmouse for the 
native windoze stuff and icewm managing the mouse focus for x11. This is 
not always flawless, but with icewm using the "nice" scheme windows and 
X11 almost look the same and the context switch between X and windoze 
works without having to click or press any weired keys.

This is extremely useful as I use nedit for editing my source code while 
using borland as a compiler. I am used to nedit for almost 7 years now 
and had extreme problems with editor integrated in borlands ide when I 
came to this job.

Sorry for being off topic again...

Maybe Harold Hunt could give a short hint on where to get the xwin.exe 
version with less logging... Thanks.

Regards and have a nice weekend.


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