x-server with window-manager

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Fri Oct 18 14:10:00 GMT 2002


For future reference, Cygwin/XFree86 is not in any way based on Xnest.

Also, what you are trying to accomplish has nothing to do with whether a 
window is created by a local X client or by a remote X client with X11 

Now, to answer  your question, yes, there is preliminary support for a 
so-called ``rootless''.  However, this ``rootless'' mode still requires 
an X Window Manager.  That is, X clients do not appear within a Windows 
window, they appear within an X window, but the root window is not 
displayed so it looks like the X apps are floating above your Windows apps.

The release announcement for the ``rootless'' support is here:

Also, I posted a slightly faster binary, Test 67, that you can download 
instead of Test 66:

Or, you can wait a day or two and I will make an official Test 67 
release announcement and you can just download that version then.


Sven Köhler wrote:

>> I realize that English is probably not your native language, but could
>> you elaborate on your question a little bit?  I cannot understand what
>> you are asking.
> Is there a project, that is developing a x-server that has an 
> integrated window-manager so that x-forwarded windows will appear like 
> ms-windows' native ones?
> I think cygwin's current x-server is based on Xnest so that all the 
> x-forwarded windows will appear within one big window which is my 
> "XFree"-Desktop and they do not seamlessly integrate into the 
> ms-windows-desktop.

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