Uses for Cygwin/XFree86
Mon Oct 21 21:14:00 GMT 2002

On 21 Oct, Randall R Schulz wrote:
>  Would that mail client be Sylpheed? 
>  I looked into it and generally liked what I saw, but the fact that it uses  
>  MH style message storage (one file per message!!) led me to decide I could  
>  not switch to it. That's far to much storage overhead for me to tolerate  
>  since I keep very large archives of the many mailing lists to which I  
>  subscribe. 

Actually, it's Postilion (, which is based on
the Nextstep mail program (

Problems with Postilion:

1) Nic Bernstein isn't actively developing it anymore - I think he may
   have decided that GNUMail would be a better long term area to devote
   his efforts.  (GNUMail is based on GNUstep, and works.  Big
   mailboxes require a lot of memory, though, currently.)

2) Postilion requires Tk/Tcl for the GUI, and a few other libraries, so
   it's not a complete piece of cake to compile and install.  It can
   handle 100MB mail folders, though it starts getting very slow when
   the messages are in the 10 - 20 thousand range, IIRC.
>  If it's some other mail client, I'd like to hear about it, because I'm  
>  looking to trade up from Eudora, but the only feature that it's missing  
>  (apart from it's limited platform support) is message threading based on  
>  message IDs (not merely subject headers). Everything else about it is  
>  pretty good, especially it's searching and filtering capabilties 

Postilion allows mailboxes to be presented as sorted by date, in
arrival order (mbox order), by subject, subject-by-date (which is
*similar* to threading), by sender, reverse date, etc.

It's also very extensible in editing messages being composed and
operations on messages in mailboxes.

I tried sylpheed maybe 6 months ago, but it didn't do enough (then).
I think I have my hopes pinned on GNUMail, for the future.


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