Problems with xwinclip version 0.5/0.6

Dr. Volker Zell
Tue Oct 22 10:24:00 GMT 2002

>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Twiner <> writes:

    Chris> Hi Volker,
    Chris> I notice you had a mingw error.  Could you please try using the gcc
    Chris> provided with cygwin, as I believe myself and others use.  It should
    Chris> remove most of the problems you're seeing as neither myself nor others
    Chris> seem to have them.

Actually I'm using the latest cygwin gcc-3.2-1.
Is it possible to send me your version of xwinclip privatly ?

    Chris> As to the output, that's correct it's debug information to let me know
    Chris> what is going on message wise through the system.  The ioctl statement
    Chris> is due to the cygwin code for the windows device explicitly mentioning
    Chris> setting the hwnd it listens to (or listens to all).  Which doesn't
    Chris> really hurt anything in the code you have.

    Chris> After that message it should also display information in the xwinclip
    Chris> window about what windows and X messages are being processed involving
    Chris> the clipboards, again just debug information.

My xwinclip dies after displaying this messages.

    Chris> Thank you for trying to use the code though.

    Chris> Chris


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