blue screen death when starting X

Supreme Commander
Thu Aug 14 10:27:00 GMT 2003

I wanted a UNIX environment in WinXP, so I downloaded Cygwin, full package. 
In order to run Emacs in a window of my own, I was recommended to start a 
program "usr/X11R6/bin/". Unfortunately, this results in a 
blue-screen-of-death; the immediate shutdown of the system. Is this a bug 
( cygwin)?

Even though I run RedHat, I am quite new to Linux/Unix, so I am afraid I 
need detailed help if possible. What I want to accomplish is as follows:

Run Emacs in a interactive window (where I can use mouse on the 'file', 
'edit'.. -menus) This I could not with the emacs started in the cygwin 
terminal window (GNU Emacs 21.2.1 (i686-pc-cygwin, X toolkit))

Write Fortran programs in Emacs, with the color-aid provided in i.e RedHat. 
Example: writing "integer i" will colorcode keyword "integer", and also 
variable 'i'.

Compile this to a UNIX excecutable program.

Finally; Is there a message board, or some kind of discussion forum that I 
can visit, and search for additional help?

Thank you very much

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