XFree86-start-menu-icons path problem

Harold L Hunt II huntharo@msu.edu
Thu Aug 14 14:39:00 GMT 2003


I trust that you will figure out what to do here.

I don't have a lot of time right now, so let me know what you come up 
with :)


Brian E. Gallew wrote:

> Dr.D.J.Picton wrote:
>> A similar change to the system path enabled the start menu icons to work.
>> But is it a recommended practice to include Cygwin directories in the 
>> standard
>> system path?  (It makes it easier to launch Cygwin applications from a 
>> Windows environment, but I'm worried about potential side effects).  
>> In my
>> view it would be preferable for the path setting to be handled by the 
>> shortcut.
> That's an interesting question.  I habitually set my path to include all 
> the stuff I plan on running (which is kind of the point of PATH).  OTOH, 
> privileged accounts generally run with a restricted PATH to reduce the 
> chance of running a trojan.  As time passes, I'm becoming more and more 
> convinced that the right answer here is to either patch run.exe to let 
> me set the PATH on the command line (or better yet, extend it), or 
> provide a wrapper program that sets the PATH and so forth before 
> invoking run.exe.  I clearly need to modify my script already to fix a 
> few more icon issues, so that would be the time to make any other changes.
> The other side of the question is: what PATH do I use?  If I explicitly 
> set the PATH I run the risk of overriding someone's preferences on which 
>  binaries to run, and where to run them from.  Further, I risk missing 
> anything installed in a non-standard location.  The way the script runs 
> now, it checks that they programs are available in the PATH that exists 
> when the script is run (from the setup.exe envionment or the user 
> environment).

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