Trouble with DDD download via cygwin setup
Tue Dec 9 17:00:00 GMT 2003

I'm having trouble downloading the ddd version maintained by Harold Hunt.  
I have cygwin setup version 2.416.  I setup the server to point to  I process normally through the cygwin
setup.  I located the ddd entry in the package list under Xfree86.  I select it
and set it to install ddd 3.3.8-1 (binary).  I click Next and it starts
downloading the file ddd-3.3.8-1.tar.bz2.  I gets almost too completion( 96%,
1384k/1435k), and then an error message just comes up and says  "download
imcomplete try again".  I've repeated this many times, all to the same result.

I then tried manually downloading the file from, which 
downloaded fine.  I extracted it (into a private dir), but when I tried to run
the executable it says it could not find cygxm-2.dll.  I'm assuming this is
either motif or lestiff related from a google.  The main story here is that the
file is downloaded if I do not go through cygwin setup.

Any ideas?



From: Harold L Hunt II <huntharo <at>>
Subject: [ITP] ddd-3.3.8
Newsgroups: gmane.os.cygwin.xfree, gmane.os.cygwin.applications
Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2003 21:38:15 +0000

I would like to contribute and maintain ddd:

GNU DDD is a graphical front-end for command-line debuggers such as
GDB, DBX, WDB, Ladebug, JDB, XDB, the Perl debugger, or the Python
debugger. Besides ``usual'' front-end features such as viewing source
texts, DDD has become famous through its interactive graphical data
display, where data structures are displayed as graphs.

You can point Cygwin's setup.exe to the following address to install and 
test ddd:

***Reviewer's Caveat***: I don't think that the static libiberty.a is 
supposed to be installed, so I removed the /usr/lib directory in the 
install step of the build script.

------------------------ cut here --------------------------------------


mkdir ddd
cd ddd

wget \

wget \

wget \

------------------------ cut here --------------------------------------

MD5 sums:

de2d743b95817745c4227427afec759b *ddd/ddd-3.3.8-1-src.tar.bz2
86cc2b9dff9a4f794dfc6bbe49bf2bbc *ddd/ddd-3.3.8-1.tar.bz2
2c6bec0f95a7c76ee6581133eeab1db6 *ddd/setup.hint


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