how to enable magic cookies on W2K cygwin X11?

Tue Feb 18 22:05:00 GMT 2003

I wanted to make my cygwin xfree86 server as secure as possible, and I
have the perception that the following would help.

1. Stop the tcp listener
2. Enable the authentication cookies 

Although I did not see it documented it seems I can successfully stop
the tcp listener by modifying 1 line in my startxwin.bat as follows 
 start XWin -nolisten tcp
and adding this line below it
 set DISPLAY=:0.0

However I trawled the man pages about the cookies, and found the X
startup scripts in SuSE Linux (which has cookies) to be complex enough
that it would be a small project to convert them to cygwin.

Can you suggest a howto or simpler example scripts to enforce cookies?

Thanks in advance.

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