-clipboard on Test73

David Fraser davidf@sjsoft.com
Wed Jan 22 12:48:00 GMT 2003

Harold L Hunt II wrote:

>I have made a new debugging release for you to try out:
>http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xwin/shadow/XWin-Test73-DEBUG-2.exe.bz2 (1201
>This new release has many more debug messages around the calls to
>_XSetLocale. I have also made the MultiWindow WM call _XSetLocale instead of
>setlocale, which could have been causing problems... I really have no idea.
>In any case, the above release should help us to figure out when is going on
>when you run with ``XWin.exe -clipboard -multiwindow''.
>Thanks for testing,
I've done the same as last time by attaching a diff between the plain 
-multiwindow and the -multiwindow -clipboard logs. Let me know if this 
isn't the best way. It's interesting the winClipboardProc call to 
setlocale seems to return directly after the winInitMultiWindowWM call...

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