xwinclip patch

uribarri_u@tsm.es uribarri_u@tsm.es
Wed Jun 4 08:45:00 GMT 2003

What I'm requesting is so simple as this:

--- xwinclip.c.orig     2003-01-13 02:27:22.000000000 +0100
+++ xwinclip.c  2003-06-04 10:09:18.000000000 +0200
@@ -362,15 +362,6 @@
       exit (1);

-  /* Assert ownership of PRIMARY */
-  iReturn = XSetSelectionOwner (pDisplay, XA_PRIMARY,
-                               iWindow, CurrentTime);
-  if (iReturn == BadAtom || iReturn == BadWindow)
-    {
-      printf ("Could not set PRIMARY owner\n");
-      exit (1);
-    }
   /* Local property to hold pasted data */
   atomLocalProperty = XInternAtom (pDisplay, "CYGX_CUT_BUFFER", False);
   if (atomLocalProperty == None)

With this patch, xwinclip works as a Windows user would expect.
With a few lines, I've configured xterm and emacs to copy/paste to/from the clipboard:

*VT100.Translations: #override \
      Shift <KeyPress> Insert: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\
      Ctrl <KeyPress> Insert:  select-set(CLIPBOARD) \n\

(global-set-key [S-delete] 'clipboard-kill-region)
(global-set-key [S-insert] 'clipboard-yank)
(global-set-key [C-insert] 'clipboard-kill-ring-save)

Gnome 1&2, Gvim, and KDE 3 works correctly.

I acknow that there is lots of old applications (KDE1&2 mainly) that ignores completely the clipboard, so I will try to rewrite xwinclip as a windows
taskbar app that will allow to copy (at user request) the primary selection to the clipboard and vice versa.

Good bye!

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