Tray, Yay! Taskbar, Nay!

Harold L Hunt II
Fri May 2 17:10:00 GMT 2003

Randall R Schulz wrote:
> Vince,
> At 09:49 2003-05-02, Vince Hoffman wrote:
>> The -multiwindow option doesnt have a taskbar tab if thats any good ?
> It's good that I'm free of the taskbar tab, but having no root window is 
> not good for me.
> I see there's an option to force or inhibit the tray icon. Why not the 
> same for the taskbar tab? And when I ask for the root window via the 
> tray menu, then I get that silly taskbar tab again--that makes it no-win 
> for me.

As you will see in my just-written message, and I want to reiterate 
this, it isn't so much a question of "can we hide it?" as it is a 
question of "how do we deal with all the little nagging details that not 
having a taskbar entry raises?".  I don't want to answer all those 
nagging details, and I don't want to make test release after test 
release until we get them right.

There is nothing I hate more than spending an hour making a release only 
to have someone say, "oh yeah, but wouldn't it be more natural for it to 
do foo and bar instead of the way you coded it?".  Sure, it might be 
more natural, but I want people to start asking me that before I make 
the release, not after I make the release.  :)  Randall, you can be my 
first test case of me demanding more information before coding :)


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